Magazine Tips

Publication of UPC Codes

UPC Code

The UPC Code consists of 14 digits:

  1. The lead digit, or Number System Character ("0") identifies the type of merchandise
  2. The 5-digit manufacturer's code ("74470") identifies the national distributor or independent publisher
  3. The 5-digit bipad number ("03462") identifies the unique publication
  4. The check digit ("9") is derived from the previous 11 digits and is used to verify their correctness
  5. The add-on, or issue code ("04") identifies the unique issue

UPC Codes Must Be:

  1. Placed on the front cover of the magazine (lower left-hand corner)
  2. On a white background
  3. At 80% magnification or above (100% is best)
  4. Fully scannable - good resolution
  5. Changed when frequency or price is changed
  6. Ordered from your distributor or directly from the uniform code council (UCC)
  7. Always printed at original film size
  8. Without a border
  9. Unique every issue

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