Case Studies


Use What You Have to Create Excitement in the Distribution Channel

When Getaways magazine was launched in the New England states, the publisher had very little money for promotions, very few resources with which to build distribution. Read More..

Best Practices Vary by Category

While the newsstand lives by certain "rules of thumb," success in marketing your product on the newsstand depends on learning the rules that will sell your category. What sells one category might be very different indeed than what sells another. Read More..

Search Engine Optimization

Case Study: Page Rank (PR)

With a PageRank of 9, an Ivy League university site's PR was practically exalted in its relationship with Google. A subdomain, linked directly to the site and sharing a domain name, had, astonishingly, a PR of 0. This kind of PR means its page authority is basically non-existent when it comes to Google's search protocol. Read More..

Case Study: External Linking

A publisher wanted to optimize a micro site, a subset of the overall main site where visitors went to find specific information and perform certain transactions. The search engines were sending almost no visitors to this group of internal site pages, and in fact the site's own home page was not sending a lot of traffic to its micro site, either, despite.. Read More..